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Av Katti - 27 september 2018 11:56

I just want to address an issue I have at the moment with my site. Some of my visitors have noticed that my site is down, and it is for unknown reasons really. Have tried contacting my internet provider but so far to no avail, and that is a first. They are usually very fast in getting back and now it's been days. I am only hoping this will be resolved shortly. Its very frustrating not being able to do anything. 

Av Katti - 21 juli 2015 22:26

Well, this blog is sadly overseen. I tend to go to the Swedish blog to write and this keeps falling into oblivion. I just don't feel like going here to do any blogging, as I keep chattering away on Facebook instead - and use the Swedish blog for my regular dollie updates. 

I have just swapped laptops and don't have any photo program on the new one so I am sort of stuck for the moment to that. I have loads of pictures on the other laptop. Was thinking of adding something here when I realized just that. Nothing here - it's all on the other one. 

I also need to fix a page on the doll site... A few days more before I am back home. 

I can talk about some garage sales I have been to this summer. Not much in dolly way but I scored some cuties on one of them. Got one for free as her leg had a hole in the back. That one was a tnt brunette - although in bad need of a reroot. Her face is über pretty and her legs click (although she does have that flaw of an injured leg back side). 

So. Not much to tell at this point. 

Well, I mostly came in here to get rid of the ads. Be Gone! 

Av Katti - 5 mars 2015 10:30

Due to big weather problems in the area some of my host's server parks is down. Of course the one that is hosting my site (among with many others). They are working on the problem and I can only hope that it will be back up again without any bigger hassle. 

Av Katti - 8 december 2014 23:43

Ruth got herself a new dress and jacket and a pair of pink shoes, her favorite color and she went out for a stroll in the winter day. Hey, girl, Where are you pants?? Its frikkin' WINTER! Silly dolls. 

~ But.. hey... what's this? Who are you? 

Ruth came across a snow-white frog with a silver crown. Weird. 

~ My name's Ha.... 

~ Say wha'??

~ I met a.....

~ You're talking?? 

~ Of course! You asked a question and I am trying to answer you. 

~ Ehhhhhh... 

~ It was like this. I was out in the woods, strolling around, minding my own business when all of a sudden this crazy woman appeared. She was dressed all in white and wore a crown of ice. The whole world froze up and I lost memory and woke up like this. 

~ Wait? What? What do you mean? 

~ But woman. You do understand there aren't any talking frogs. For real? 

~ ?? 

~ For crying out loud. Would you please kiss me? You look the part. 

~ Euuuuwwww... 


Ruth thought about it for another second...

~Oh well... Come here then..





~ Hey! Where did you come from?? Who are you? What's that?? 

~ Hello, my sweet Princess. Told you so. The wicked Snow Queen turned me into a, no less than white frog, because that is the only color that crazy woman can stand

*Holy Moly*, Ruth thinks. *Dreams can come true! He is really handsome. And imagine that his wardrobe even matches mine!

~ I brought you a gift, since you were the one that really broke my spell. 

~ Ahhh! And it's pink!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you... 

From the editor: Well, Ruth my dear. Calm down a bit. You are embarrassing us

Seems like Ruth finally met her Prince Charming. His name is Harry, as he was trying to tell her earlier - and just like her, he strolls around sockless.... What's up with that?? 


Good thing Harry didn't take a too close look at Ruth's dress.... She tried hard to cover upp her @$$ but did no good in that department... 

Was this all just a dream? Well... You never know... - or time will tell. 

Av Katti - 26 september 2014 12:56

The hype was big before the release of this set. Many had read the books but others only knew about the movies and the story told in them, The Lord of the Rings. How would the last set be interpreted? As the pictures of the dolls were leaked before the movie, the spolier effect took place with doll people knowing who he would end upp marrying. The King of Kings. King Aragorn and his beautiful and beloved half Elven Arwen.  

There were a few sets released from this series with this being the crown jewel of them all. Of course with King Aragorn and his Elven bride. 

B3449 The Lord of the Rings, The Return of the King gift set, 2003

 Ken as Aragorn was made with the Tango face sculpt. 

Barbie as Arwen was made with the Mackie face. Without the option of new made sculpts, this was the best choice for her timid smile.  

Av Katti - 26 september 2014 12:46

This series had a lot of promise when it first was released. Together Forever. Famous novel, movie or theater couples. I mean, who doesn't take in all the heroes and heroines and a Happily Ever After? And Mattel interpreted the sotry characters into dolls with costumes of great details. For the first set they even made a new sculpt for Ken. To this date, this is the only Ken doll ever made with this sculpt. Ken & Barbie as Romeo & Juliet. Can it be more romantic than that? And with the wonderful historical costumes with all little details. It's just a win win concept. And there were only two sets made... 

 #19364 Ken & Barbie as Romeo & Juliet from 1998 (copyright year of 1997)

 Ken as Romeo with a unique sculpt.

Barbie as Juliet with the Mackie face. She has pretty brown eyes amd long dark brown hair in a braid, with gold and silver ribbons tied around it.  

Av Katti - 26 september 2014 12:27

...ehh doll? There is this new show on Swedish television called Bytt är bytt. That means something like swapped is swapped. There are two contestants - well they compete together against the show, so to speak. There are seven people with different kind of collector items or antiques with a range of estimated values from 5000 to 500000 Skr in the studio. Then it's up to the contestants to put two items up against each other and choose the most valuebale one, or rather dismiss the less valued one, as they will win whatever the value of the last standing item, preferably the half a mil. One of the items was a Barbie doll. Not just any Barbie doll.... 

Capture: "Compared to a doll that is not Top of the Line"

It was a nice #1 blonde Ponytail Barbie, complete with her accessories in the small plastic bag with the booklet and her stand. They had her up against a chess board in glass and bronze and they did pick the right item, due to value but to call this girl "Not top of the line"?? Sheesh. Her value was in the show estimated to 25000 Skr but it would be more close to 30K, although that step wasn't an option (5K, 10K, 25K, 50K, 100K, 250K, 500K) but the chess board wsa second top item of all. I think. Didn't catch the whole show. 

Anyway. Not top of the line??? Get a grip... 

Av Katti - 25 september 2014 19:40

Another long wait is over. At long last I have my hands on the darling Vampire from the Haunted Beauty series. I haven't taken so many photos of her just yet but I still want to share her. She was released in time for Halloween in 2013 and I have eaglerly awaited her arrival to me. 

Vampire is the second doll in the Haunted Beauty series. 


 As per usual of later years, the shoe type of boxes are jet black. 

The Vampire is a stunning doll with black hair and a rich red gown under black chiffon, yet again set under a gorgeous cape in red silk. Well, poly silk. She is set on a black lining so the red really stands out. Her lips are blood red with two painted fangs. The eyes are disturbingly "dead" as should be, in a reddish color.  

She wears golden jewelry with "rubies". The photos I took of her hand and the ring didn't make it through the editing phase so I need to retake them. No use in sharing a blurry photo, even if you could see the pattern of the ring and the huge red stone. 

With the face of an angel - the Angel of Death?  Well, to be honest it's a Mermaid's face. 

 Dead pale as a friend (Chico) called the skin color. He is dead on. 


The shoes was a bit of a hassle to photograph as the skirt was sewn so tight you could hardly get a finger under it, less a camera lens. I had to snip some threads to get to them. Not so gorgeous with the plastic wrap thingys but they have to stay there for now. Anyway. The shoes are a nice black version with golden adornments. 

I am so happy to have this Haunted Beauty on my hands. In a month the next doll is released, Mistress of the Manor. Another gorgeous doll in historical clothes! And another "Mermaid". I have her on backorder and she will ship to my friend in just a few days if the schedule holds. 

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